Source code for cpauto.objects.application

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2016 Dana James Traversie and Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# cpauto.objects.application
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"""This module contains the classes needed to manage application objects."""

from ._common import _CommonClient

[docs]class App: """Manage application sites.""" def __init__(self, core_client): self.__common_client = _CommonClient(core_client)
[docs] def add(self, name='', url_list='', app_sig='', params={}): """Adds an application site. :param name: A name for the new application site. :param url_list: (optional) A URL or set of URLs that comprises the application. :type url_list: string or list of strings :param app_sig: (optional) A signature or set of signatures generated via the signature tool. :type app_sig: string or list of strings :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ if url_list: params['url-list'] = url_list if app_sig: params['application-signature'] = app_sig return self.__common_client._add('add-application-site', name, params)
[docs] def show(self, name='', uid='', app_id='', details_level=''): """Shows details of an application site with the specified name, uid, or application ID. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site. :param app_id: (optional) The application ID of an existing application site. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ params = {} if app_id: params['application-id'] = app_id return self.__common_client._show('show-application-site', name=name, uid=uid, details_level=details_level, params=params)
[docs] def set(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Sets new values for an existing application site with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._set('set-application-site', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def delete(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Deletes an existing application site with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter name$ :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._delete('delete-application-site', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def show_all(self, limit=50, offset=0, order=[], details_level=''): """Shows all application sites with some reasonable limitations. :param limit: (optional) Limit the total number of results shown. The default value is 50 and allowed values are in the range 1 to 500. :param offset: (optional) Skip a number of items in the results before they are shown. Default value is 0. :param order: (optional) Sort the results by the specified field. The default is a random order. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show_all('show-application-sites', limit=limit, offset=offset, order=order, details_level=details_level)
[docs]class AppCategory: """Manage application site categories.""" def __init__(self, core_client): self.__common_client = _CommonClient(core_client)
[docs] def add(self, name='', params={}): """Adds an application site category. :param name: A name for the new application site category. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._add('add-application-site-category', name, params)
[docs] def show(self, name='', uid='', details_level=''): """Shows details of an application site category with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site category. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site category. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show('show-application-site-category', name=name, uid=uid, details_level=details_level)
[docs] def set(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Sets new values for an existing application site category with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site category. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site category. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._set('set-application-site-category', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def delete(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Deletes an existing application site category with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site category. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site category. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter name$ :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._delete('delete-application-site-category', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def show_all(self, limit=50, offset=0, order=[], details_level=''): """Shows all application site categories with some reasonable limitations. :param limit: (optional) Limit the total number of results shown. The default value is 50 and allowed values are in the range 1 to 500. :param offset: (optional) Skip a number of items in the results before they are shown. Default value is 0. :param order: (optional) Sort the results by the specified field. The default is a random order. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show_all('show-application-site-categories', limit=limit, offset=offset, order=order, details_level=details_level)
[docs]class AppGroup: """Manage application site groups.""" def __init__(self, core_client): self.__common_client = _CommonClient(core_client)
[docs] def add(self, name='', params={}): """Adds an application site group. :param name: A name for the new application site group. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._add('add-application-site-group', name, params)
[docs] def show(self, name='', uid='', details_level=''): """Shows details of an application site group with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site group. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site group. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show('show-application-site-group', name=name, uid=uid, details_level=details_level)
[docs] def set(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Sets new values for an existing application site group with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site group. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site group. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._set('set-application-site-group', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def delete(self, name='', uid='', params={}): """Deletes an existing application site group with the specified name or uid. :param name: (optional) The name of an existing application site group. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing application site group. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter name$ :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._delete('delete-application-site-group', name=name, uid=uid, params=params)
[docs] def show_all(self, limit=50, offset=0, order=[], details_level=''): """Shows all application site groups with some reasonable limitations. :param limit: (optional) Limit the total number of results shown. The default value is 50 and allowed values are in the range 1 to 500. :param offset: (optional) Skip a number of items in the results before they are shown. Default value is 0. :param order: (optional) Sort the results by the specified field. The default is a random order. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show_all('show-application-site-groups', limit=limit, offset=offset, order=order, details_level=details_level)