Source code for cpauto.core.sessions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright 2016 Dana James Traversie and Check Point Software Technologies, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# cpauto.core.sessions
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"""This module contains the primary objects needed to manage R80 Web API sessions."""

from .exceptions import (

from ..objects._common import _CommonClient

import time

import requests

[docs]class CoreClientResult: """Stores the status code and JSON body received in an HTTP response to an API request. """ def __init__(self, status_code, json): self.status_code = status_code self.success = status_code == 200 self.message = "" self.__json = json
[docs] def set_success(self, value=True): self.success = value
[docs] def set_message(self, value=""): self.message = value
[docs] def json(self): return dict(self.__json)
[docs]class CoreClient: """The cpauto core client. Provides basic configuration and persistence. Basic Usage:: >>> import cpauto >>> cc = cpauto.CoreClient('admin', 'vpn123', '') >>> r = cc.login() >>> r.status_code 200 """ def __init__(self, user='', password='', mgmt_server='', port=443, verify=True, wait_for_tasks=True): self.__last_login_result = None self.__user = user self.__password = password self.__mgmt_server = mgmt_server self.__port = port self.__verify = verify self.__wait_for_tasks = wait_for_tasks def __build_uri(self, endpoint): uri = 'https://' + self.__mgmt_server + ':' + str(self.__port) + '/web_api/' + endpoint return uri def __build_headers(self, send_sid=True): headers = { 'content-type': 'application/json', 'user-agent': 'cpauto-CoreClient/0.0.5' } if send_sid and self.__last_login_result is not None: last_login_json = self.__last_login_result.json() headers['x-chkp-sid'] = last_login_json['sid'] return headers def __wait_on_task(self, task_id): task_complete = False task_r = None while not task_complete: task_r = self.http_post(endpoint="show-task", payload={"task-id": task_id, "details-level": "full"}) while task_r.status_code == 404: time.sleep(1) task_r = self.http_post(endpoint="show-task", payload={"task-id": task_id, "details-level": "full"}) if task_r.status_code != 200: raise WaitOnTaskError("Failed to handle asynchronous task as synchronous") data = task_r.json() completed_tasks = sum(1 for task in data["tasks"] if task["status"] != "in progress") total_tasks = len(data["tasks"]) if completed_tasks == total_tasks: task_complete = True else: time.sleep(2) self.__check_task_result(task_r) return task_r def __wait_on_tasks(self, task_objects): tasks = [] for task_object in task_objects: task_id = task_object["task-id"] tasks.append(task_id) self.__wait_on_task(task_id) task_r = self.http_post(endpoint="show-task", payload={"task-id": tasks, "details-level": "full"}) self.__check_task_result(task_r) return task_r def __check_task_result(self, task_result): data = task_result.json() for task in data["tasks"]: if task["status"] == "failed" or task["status"] == "partially succeeded": task_result.set_success(False) task_result.set_message("There was at least one task that failed or partially succeeded") break
[docs] def http_post(self, endpoint, send_sid=True, payload={}): """Makes an HTTP post to the specified API endpoint using user supplied data. :param endpoint: The API endpoint (e.g. /login). :param send_sid: Send the session ID as a header when true. :param payload: The payload (dictionary) that will be included as JSON in the body of the request. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ uri = self.__build_uri(endpoint) headers = self.__build_headers(send_sid) try: r =, headers=headers, json=payload, verify=self.__verify) # wait for tasks if needed if self.__wait_for_tasks and r.status_code == 200 and endpoint != "show-task": data = r.json() if "task-id" in data: return self.__wait_on_task(data["task-id"]) elif "tasks" in data: return self.__wait_on_tasks(data["tasks"]) except requests.exceptions.SSLError as e: raise SSLError('SSL error: ' + str(e)) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as e: raise ConnectionError('Connection error: ' + str(e)) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e: raise HTTPError('HTTP error: ' + str(e)) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise Timeout(str(e)) except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as e: raise TooManyRedirects(str(e)) except requests.exceptions.InvalidURL as e: raise InvalidURL(str(e)) return CoreClientResult(r.status_code, r.json())
[docs] def merge_payloads(self, payload_a, payload_b): """Merges the contents of two payloads (dictionaries). :param payload_a: A payload to merge :param payload_b: Another payload to merge :returns: A single payload (dictionary) with the contents of the two original payloads """ payload_c = payload_a.copy() payload_c.update(payload_b) return payload_c
[docs] def login(self, params={}): """Login to the R80 Web API server and store the results of the request as a class attribute. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ payload = { 'user': self.__user, 'password': self.__password } if params: payload = self.merge_payloads(payload, params) r = self.http_post('login', send_sid=False, payload=payload) self.__last_login_result = r return r
[docs] def logout(self): """Logout of the R80 Web API server and invalidate the session. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.http_post('logout')
[docs] def publish(self, uid=""): """Makes all changes made visible to other users. :param uid: (optional) Specify a different session unique identifier to publish. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ payload = {} if uid: payload['uid'] = uid return self.http_post('publish', payload=payload)
[docs] def discard(self, uid=""): """Discards all changes made and removes them from the database. :param uid: (optional) Specify a different sessions unique identifier to discard. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ payload = {} if uid: payload['uid'] = uid return self.http_post('discard', payload=payload)
[docs] def keepalive(self): """Keeps the session alive and valid. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.http_post('keepalive')
[docs]class Session: """Manage sessions.""" def __init__(self, core_client): self.__core_client = core_client self.__common_client = _CommonClient(core_client)
[docs] def switch(self, uid=""): """Switch sessions. :param uid: A session unique identifier. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ payload = { 'uid': uid } return self.__core_client.http_post('switch-session', payload=payload)
[docs] def show(self, uid=""): """Shows details of current session or a session with the specified uid. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing session. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show('show-session', name="", uid=uid, details_level="")
[docs] def set(self, params={}): """Sets new values for certain parameters of the current session. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._set('set-session', name="", uid="", params=params)
[docs] def continue_in_sc(self, uid=""): """Logout from existing session. The session will be continued next time your open SmartConsole. In case 'uid' is not provided, use current session. In order for the session to pass successfully to SmartConsole, make sure you don't have any other active GUI sessions. :param uid: (optional) The unique identifier of an existing session. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ payload = {} if uid: payload['uid'] = uid return self.__core_client.http_post('continue-session-in-smartconsole', payload=payload)
[docs] def show_all(self, limit=50, offset=0, order=[], details_level=''): """Shows all sessions with some reasonable limitations. :param limit: (optional) Limit the total number of sessions shown. The default value is 50 and allowed values are in the range 1 to 500. :param offset: (optional) Skip a number of sessions in the results before they are shown. Default value is 0. :param order: (optional) Sort the results by the specified field. The default is a random order. :param details_level: (optional) The level of detail to show. Default value is 'standard' and the other options are: 'uid' or 'full' :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show_all('show-sessions', limit=limit, offset=offset, order=order, details_level=details_level)
[docs]class LoginMessage: """Manage login message.""" def __init__(self, core_client): self.__core_client = core_client self.__common_client = _CommonClient(core_client)
[docs] def show(self): """Shows details of current login message. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._show('show-login-message', name="", uid="", details_level="")
[docs] def set(self, params={}): """Sets new values for current login message. :param params: (optional) A dictionary of additional, supported parameter names and values. :rtype: CoreClientResult """ return self.__common_client._set('set-login-message', name="", uid="", params=params)